Sunday, January 21, 2007

Truth - Perception - Reality

I am staying committed to driving my blog...Yipee!!!
This is my 2nd posting and being the ever so infamous piggy that epitomizes inefficiency and glorifies sheer laziness...I am ever more so determined.

My lappie crashed big time and this time round it wasn't a blip of any sorts, it called for a major surgery and was wheeled to the ER on Sunday. The neurosurgeon confirmed that the HDD really was brain dead this time!!! I'm not an advocate of euthanasia but I had to do the right thing, I had to pull the plug for now. Fortuately, within a spate of 2 hours, I was acquainted with my new buddy; IBM T42. It sure looks a dud...dull, boring, black...but for a 2 year old slave, S$680 was a swell bargain and how could I complain...I honestly hope he's a healthy little boy as I have such a sadistic streak it's not funny haha :) You're a workhorse and let's hope you'll prove it...Welcome to the hood brudder...

A lingering thought has been nagging at me. I have been intrigued by the human psyche ever since adolescence and in particular, of late, reciprocal attraction of the homosapien. Have you ever wondered how 2 different people of the opposite sex get attracted to each other in the first instance??? It is a most intriguing subject and yet, having pondered over such a phenomenon since God knows when, I still hold stead in my utmost conviction that it really boils down to a fundamental need that is very much dependent on ever moving variables such as the current environment, the state of mind, the physical and biological attributes etc etc. Perhaps I should elaborate. Ever wondered how our parents or more so our grandparents for that matter were attracted to each other? Those were the tough years as some might appreciate; my grandad lived in an attap house and had to run 2 jobs just to make ends meet. He met the love of my life; Grandma, during World War 2 and she was then bethroed to him with his black and white photograph in her hand, they met for the first time in their lives on their wedding night. They couldn't afford the luxury of a personal television and as you might have already guessed, 3 generations later, I now have my dad, 7 uncles and 3 aunts. If you appreciate the history of the times, my grandparents were married to a specific theme; Survival. When the Japanese invaded our shores, being the young, adrenalin pumped, sex starved beasts that they had evolved into, single women were very much susceptible to brutal and prolonged rapings. Grandma didn't have a choice. But the glaring fact remains till this very day, that she loved him for all the days of their spent lives and even after he passed on, her love for him never did die. Was such reciprocal attraction ever given a minute chance to nurture? It appears highly unlikely. But then, how did 2 complete strangers consumate their wedding upon seeing each other for the first time, beared 11 children, and stuck through it all for 50 years. Only love has such immense power over the sane. Yet was there attraction in the first instance?


Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Isn't the internet and technology a most fascinating innovation and evolution of the human race?? I must profess I was never a hardcore techy...but yet I'm constantly deeply intrigued and seduced by the technological advances of today.

This is my first ever blog and posting. How shall I begin? This whole purpose is to document life in itself but as you already are aware, how could we possibly ascribe words to depict our whole being, our whole self, our whole lives? Having said that, this is possibly the closest you can get apart from photographs and a diary and fortunately, you can never run dry on cyber memory.

It is a somewhat melancholic night...yet a most comforting one. Have you realized that in moments of sadness, devoid is this world of systems, systems of the left and of the right. In that very instant, all is real and the self sees through the heart, and all is clear, and when such melancholy subsides, then serenity engulfs and more often that not, rejuvenates and gives strength...perhaps pain is the catalyst.

I'll be 30 this foot in the grave as many might put it...I wish I was an octopus (I sure am corny). Well, this blogs all about me and I hope to be in extreme vanity. I will entail more in time to come but for now, exhaustion has come knocking ever so suddenly...sleep tight...I will see you soon enough.